Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I wish you all the peace of my Son Jesus. May the peace of my Son remain in your hearts and in your families.
Witness the peace of my Son to your brothers. The world needs peace. My Son came into the world to bring his peace, but only those who truly opened their hearts to him and believed in his words of eternal life received it.
My Son became flesh in my virginal womb. He is the Living Word, the Word made flesh. Let my Son enter your hearts, become the food of your souls, and transfigure your lives with his love, with his peace, and with his grace.
Children, intercede for your most rebellious brothers and sisters who do not love and who no longer believe in the eternal truths that God teaches you, through his Holy Church. God loves each one of you. When he became incarnate in my virginal womb, he already knew that one day you would be here in this place chosen by the will of the Most High, so that you would listen to my message and take his light to all your brothers and sisters. Thank him for these days of graces that you are experiencing in the holy places, for I assure you that these are special graces granted to you through my Mother's intercession and the intercession of St. Joseph before his most holy throne in heaven.
My son, today you have understood so many things that I and my Son Jesus manifested to you many years ago through your dreams and my apparitions. Don't ever be discouraged. God has great things to accomplish in your life. He still wants you to do some more things and He will manifest His Most Holy Will to you. Wait. Be humble always and then you will have his complacency, for God only works his wonders through those who are obedient and humble. Spread the calls of God. The world thirsts for God. The world is destroying itself with the lies and falsehoods of the devil. Men are heading down the road that leads to hell. Intercede for the salvation of the world. Pray, pray, pray. Help your Mother to lead the souls to God. I am beside you. You are inside my Heart. Thank you for your yes. I bless you as I bless all your brothers and sisters: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!